اللهم صلي على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم وبارك علي محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميدٌ مجيد

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Names Of Allah

31. Al-Khabir
The One who knows the truth of things.
The Aware. The Sagacious, one is who is aware.
32. Al-Halim
The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.
The Gentle. The most patient, the Clement.
33. Al-'Azim
The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolment, and Purity from all imperfection.
The Great, Mighty
34. Al-Ghafoor
The One who forgives a lot.
The Forgiving, the Pardoner.
35. Ash-Shakur
The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
The Grateful, the Thankful
36. Al-'Ali
The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.
The most high, the exalted.
37. Al-Kabir
The One who is greater than everything in status.
The great, the big.
38. Al-Hafiz
The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.
The Guardian, the preserver.
39. Al-Muqit
The One who has the Power.
The maintainer, The Nourisher
40. Al-Hasib
The One who gives the satisfaction.
The noble, The Reckoner

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